Open Course Exam Overview

Open Course Exam Overview

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless testing experience, we've made some important updates to our course exam guidelines and proctoring instructions. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:

Course Exam Guidelines


  1. Open-Course Exam: Our exams are open-course, meaning you'll have access to all course lessons and modules while taking the assessment. However, using practice exam questions, study guides, or other internet searches during the exam is strictly prohibited.

  2. Tab Limitation: To view course information during the exam, only two tabs should be open on your browser: one for the exam questions and another for the course material. Students will be allowed to pull the tabs into two separate windows after the exam has started. For more detailed instructions and images of the necessary screen setup for your course, please look under your "Exam and Proctoring Setup" section in your exam module.

  3. Study Guide and Practice Questions: We encourage you to utilize all corresponding study guides and practice questions to prepare for your course's exams. In your course these are located in the exams section titled "Study Tips".

  4. Timed Exam: All exams have a 2-hour time limit, with the exception of the ENG 1303 Final Exam. The ENG 1303 final exam is a 60 minute exam. While this should provide enough time to use course information as a resource, we recommend studying beforehand to maximize your performance. 

  5. Academic Integrity: Violating exam or proctoring guidelines, such as opening additional tabs, conducting unauthorized internet searches, and/or utilizing outside resources such as apps, extensions, or other online tools designed to help on an exam constitutes an academic integrity violation and may result in a low or failing grade.

Important Exam Material Note

Please note the following guidelines regarding exam materials:

  1. Handwritten Note Card: Except for the Language and Composition Final Exam, students may take a 3x5 handwritten note card into the exam.

  2. Scratch Paper: For specific courses (College Math, Quantitative Analysis, Chemistry, Chemistry Lab, Physical Science, Physical Science Lab, and Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship), students may use a blank 8.5x11 piece of computer paper as scratch paper.

Proctoring Instructions


Our exams are proctored to ensure test integrity. Here's what you need to know about the proctoring process:

  1. Online Proctoring: Proctoring is available 24/7 via an online platform at no additional cost. Ensure you have the necessary equipment and a reliable internet connection before starting your proctoring session.

  2. Testing Environment: Before starting the exam, ensure a quiet, distraction-free environment. Follow all proctoring instructions provided to maintain test integrity.

  3. Proctoring Instructions and Agreement: Before starting the exam, read and acknowledge the proctoring instructions and agreement. Once your proctoring session begins, follow the instructions to start the exam.

Disconnection Disclaimer:

If you disconnect while taking your exam online, please attempt to reconnect and re-enter your exam with your proctor immediately. All students who disconnect or violate our proctoring guidelines are automatically flagged for official reviewal. For any technical difficulties or questions about this process, please reach out to

Additional Information:

Please note: Your school may offer in-person proctor upon request. Please reach out to your school to see if this option is available.

Related Articles:

  1. Exam Study Tips
  2. Exam Instructions and Expectations
  3. Exam and Proctoring Setup
  4. What to Do if I Disconnect from my Online Proctor?

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