Can I use a calculator on the exam?

Can I use a calculator on the exam?

Students may only use a calculator if it is specifically stated in the exam requirements. If a student requires the use of an online calculator, only the calculators linked here may be used on the course exams.  

You can use a graphing calculator, and a standard calculator on the midterm and final exams for College Algebra and Quantitative Analysis.  It is also permitted to use this graphing calculator on the College Algebra and Quantitative Analysis midterm and final exams only. This calculator cannot be used in any course exam other than the courses listed above.

A standard calculator may be used for the Chemistry Lab, Physical Science Lab, and Business Entrepreneurship

You will also be allowed one 8.5 x 11-inch blank sheet of paper and a pencil for working through questions. This paper is to be used as “scratch” paper to help you work through the problems on the exam. Prior to the start of the exam, the blank “scratch” paper must be shown to the proctor for verification. 

Due to academic integrity constraints, you CANNOT use your phone as a calculator.

As a student enrolled in a TEL Education course, it is expected that the students uphold the highest level of academic integrity.  Any violation of this academic integrity, including the misuse of the calculator, calculator website, internet, search engines, etc., will result in earning a zero on the exam.  Furthermore, the use of any calculator on a mobile device (cell phone, smartphone, tablet, e-reader, etc.), including the calculator feature on all cell phones, a calculator app, or an online version of a calculator used on your mobile device is prohibited by the Academic Misuse Policy. 

For more information about calculator violations and acceptable devices to use on exams, click here.

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