Exam Instructions and Expectations

Exam Instructions and Expectations

*The following section is also located within student's course exam module*

Course Exam Instructions:

You will have a 2 hour time limit to complete your course exam. This time limit will provide enough time to use the course information as a resource when taking the exam, however, it is still recommended that you study for the exam prior to taking it.

Please keep in mind, "open-course" exam means you will have access to all course lessons and modules while taking this assessment. You will not be allowed to use practice exam questions, study guides, or other internet searches on the exams

Course Exam Expectations: 

  • Students may only use one computer monitor during any TEL Education course exam. Students must complete the exam on one computer monitor.
  • Students may only have two windows open for the duration of the course exam. Other tabs MUST be closed prior to the start of the exam.
    • Students are permitted to have two tabs open when taking the exam. The first tab must be the TEL Education course that corresponds to the course exam. The second tab must be the course exam questions.
    • See the images below for the acceptable screen setup: 
  • Highlighting any text on a course material or in the exam is strictly prohibited.
  • The computer monitor must be in view of the moderator's camera at all times during the exam.
  • Computer screen must be visible throughout the entire exam and cannot be dimmed while the exam is active. 
  • Additional internet searches and the use of outside resources are strictly prohibited on a TEL Education course exam.
  • Any additional tabs open prior to the exam or during the exam is strictly prohibited on a TEL Education course exam.

Failure to comply with the TEL Education course exam expectations may result in failure of the exam, removal from course and/or removal from future enrollment in TEL Education courses.

Prepare for the Exam:

It is encouraged to use the study guide prior to taking the course exam. The information presented in the study guide can help prepare you for the questions that will be presented on the assessment. Pay close attention to the highlighted information on your study guides and practice questions linked within the “Study Tips” section in student's specific course exam module.

Please Note: Proctoring is required for all course exams in order to ensure the identity of the test taker and the integrity of the test-taking environment. TEL provides a third-party remote proctoring service called MonitorEDU, which is included in the cost of your course and can be accessed through our course platform via the link located in the exam lesson under “Exam and Proctoring Setup.”
  1. Exam and Proctoring Setup
  2. "Open Course" Exam Overview
  3. Exam Study Tips
  4. What to Do if I Disconnect from my Online Proctor?

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