Completing Course Discussions

Completing Course Discussions

Canvas Discussion Board Overview

Participating in Discussion Boards is an essential part of your course. It allows you to engage with your classmates and reflect on the course content. Below, you’ll find instructions and answers to common questions to help you successfully complete the Discussion. More helpful guides may be found in students' Passport to Canvas course tile.

Instructions for Participating:

  1. Read the discussion prompt provided by your instructor in the Discussion Board section.

  2. Submit your response by typing your thoughts or answers in the provided text box.

  3. Respond to a classmate’s post to further engage in discussion and share ideas.

Common Questions:

1. Do I have to submit?

Yes, you must submit a response to the discussion prompt to participate in the Discussion Board. Your response is required to move forward in the course and will contribute to your overall participation grade.

2. How do I respond to a classmate?

To respond to a classmate:

  • Go to the Discussion Board.

  • Read your classmate’s posts.

  • Click on the blue “Reply” button under the post you’d like to respond to.

  • Type your response in the text box and click “Post Reply.”

3. How can I tell if my response was submitted properly?

After submitting your response:

  • You will see your post appear under the Discussion Board thread.

  • Additionally, a message may pop up confirming your post has been successfully submitted.

Completing the Discussion Quiz

At the end of the discussion, you will need to complete the Discussion Quiz. This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your experience with the Discussion Board assignment. All answers in the quiz are correct and will receive full credit. Completing both the Discussion Board and the Discussion Quiz is required to receive full participation credit for this assignment.

For more information or further troubleshooting, please reach out to

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