How do I start writing an essay for Music Appreciation?

How do I start writing an essay for Music Appreciation?

Music Appreciation Mastery Assignment 2 Essay

Like most college essays, this essay requires you to plan, ponder and think critically about a specific topic.  In this case, the prompt asks you to choose one example of functional music that relates to your prospective career path.  This topic or variation of the topic will come directly from the list provided in the Mastery Assignment. 

Brainstorm Your Topic for Music Appreciation:

Now that you’ve chosen your topic, make a list or a web of ideas you already know about your topic.  Be sure to include all the information you can think of and even some questions you might have about the topic.  Here is a list of online tools you can use to create a mindmap. 

Online Mind Mapping Tools

For more information about brainstorming ideas for an essay, click here

Once all of your ideas have either been listed or mapped out, consider what your research question will be.  Choose one question pertaining to the functional music topic that you will answer in your essay.  Then, answer this question with a thesis statement.  Remember, a thesis statement answers your research question with a position, a reason why and at least three claims.  

For more information about writing a thesis statement, click here

After establishing your thesis statement, write an outline.  Remember, an outline highlights the main points your essay will discuss.  It relies on the reasons stated in your thesis statement.  Each claim of your thesis statement will become a topic for each body paragraph in your essay.  

For more information about writing an outline for an essay, click here