What is a thesis statement?

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise summary that outlines what you will discuss or argue in your paper. Thesis statements aid in providing cohesive ideas, as all points made throughout your paper should support your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be placed near the end of your introductory paragraph. If you plan on following the traditional five-paragraph essay structure, include the three-body subtopics in your thesis. If you plan on writing your essay more broadly, you may incorporate a different number of subtopics into your thesis. For more information about thesis statements, click here

Here are two different strategies to write a thesis statement. 

Strategy 1: A Roadmap
The generic thesis statement consists of 3 main parts - the topic, the author’s position (opinion), and three reasons why they believe their position.  

Thesis Statement Format:  

Topic position because reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3.

Generic Thesis Statement Example

Following a daily exercise routine in college can be beneficial in alleviating high-stress levels in college students because it can increase self-confidence and overall mood, improves sleep, and helps to lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety.  

Strategy 2: Question/Answer

Another way to think about a thesis statement is by using a question/answer format.  

  1. Choose a topic.  

  2. Ask a question.  Once you’ve chosen your topic, ask a question about it.  This will help pinpoint exactly what you will discuss, or aim to prove in your essay.  

  3. Answer the question.  After asking a question, answer it.  When answering your question, consider the type of essay you’re writing.  This will help focus your thesis statement on the style of writing needed to meet your essay requirements.  

For example:

  1. Topic - “Modern technology” 

  1. Questions asked based on the style of writing: 

  • What is modern technology? (Definition Essay Question) 

  • What are the effects of using modern technology on student success rates? (Effect, Cause, and Effect Essay) 

  • How have the lives of students changed over time since the age of information began? (Compare and contrast) 

  • Is modern technology helping or hindering student success rates? (Argumentative) 

  1. Answer the question.  This is a thesis statement. 

  • “Modern technology is the advancement of older technology with new additions and modifications.  Advances in technology have improved communication, information availability, and entertainment.” (Definition Thesis Statement) 

  • Technology readily available in the classrooms can positively effect the learning process for many students. (Cause and Effect, Effect Thesis Statement) 

  • Modern technology and the age of information have had a profound and positive impact on the daily lives of students today as compared to students who attended school more than fifty years ago. (Compare and Contrast) 

  • “The use of modern technology in the classroom has had a positive impact on students because it helps to teach real-world skills and practical applications of tools.”  (Argumentative)

Here is an additional example

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