Honorlock for Your Exam

Honorlock for Your Exam

Honorlock: A Quick Guide for Students

Honorlock is an online proctoring tool that ensures academic integrity during exams. It monitors your session via your computer's camera, microphone, and screen. Here's a simple guide to help you get started with Honorlock.

How to Use Honorlock

1. Install the Chrome Extension

  • Google Chrome Required: Honorlock requires Google Chrome to work. Please ensure you have this browser installed.
  • Installing the Honorlock Chrome Extension: Click here to install the Honorlock Chrome extension.
  • Honorlock FAQs for Test Takers: View FAQs.

2. Start Your Exam

3. During the Exam

  • Monitoring: Honorlock will record your screen, camera, and microphone throughout the exam.
  • Stay in Frame: Remain visible on camera and ensure you do not leave the test window.

Universal Exams with Honorlock

Honorlock supports various types of exams. To ensure you are fully prepared, review any exam-specific instructions provided in your exam module.

Student Quick Fixes

Common Issues and Solutions:

  • Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache and restart your browser.

  • Wi-Fi Check: Ensure you have a stable Wi-Fi connection to avoid interruptions.

  • Troubleshooting the Honorlock Chrome Extension: View troubleshooting tips.

  • Try Another Device: If you're still having trouble, try switching to a different laptop or desktop computer.

Privacy and Security

Honorlock safeguards student privacy and complies with all relevant data protection regulations.

  • Student Privacy Guide: Learn how Honorlock protects your privacy and data during the exam.
  • How Does Honorlock Protect Student Privacy? Honorlock encrypts all data and ensures your information is handled securely.

Need Help?

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