What is the difference between my “current” and “final” grades?

What is the difference between my “current” and “final” grades?

Current Grade: Current grade is a calculated grade based only on the assessments in which you have already completed and received a score. This grade ignores any item that you have not yet completed and reflects how well you are doing on the quizzes and assignments you have completed. Use this grade as a way to track the quality of the work you have submitted.

Final Grade: Final grade is a calculated grade based on all assessments, both complete and incomplete, in the course. In this calculation, incomplete assessments are calculated as a zero score. This is your true reported grade for the course and displays the grade that you would receive if no further quizzes or assignments were completed.

  • Once a student's "current" and "final" grades match, this typically indicates that all assignments have received a grade and the course has been completed. Please keep in mind that after the course end date, the student's main dashboard may take up to 1 - 2 weeks to reflect their true finalized score.
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