Completing Course Discussions

Completing Course Discussions

Completing all discussions and end-of-course survey may be crucial to earn all of your participation points in your course. 

Here's What to expect:

  • Discussion Overview: Each discussion is tied to a case study or specific resources in your course discussion module.
  • Character Limit Reminder: Ensure your posts adhere to the 600-800 character limit to avoid posting issues. Use a word processor if needed.
  • Completion Indicator: After completion, discussions remain tinted red; they will not receive a checkmark or turn green upon completion.

Verify in Grade Summary: From your Grade Summary, you may access your 'Course Grades' tab within your course to confirm that you have received all available participation points for each corresponding assignment type. 

Additional Notes:

  • For detailed instructions, refer to your discussion lesson for you course.
  • Aim for concise and articulate posts within the character limit.
  • Craft your posts in your original words, avoiding quotes or citations. 
  • Thoughtful questions in replies enhance the overall discussion experience.

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