Academic Integrity Policy - Appropriate Use of Technology

Academic Integrity Policy - Appropriate Use of Technology

Academic Integrity Policy 

Appropriate Use of Technology 

TEL students are expected to use technology appropriately. Examples of the misuse of technology include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Bypassing or attempting to bypass proctoring services

  • Using or attempting to use unauthorized technology devices for examinations 

  • Providing or attempting to provide system credentials to an unauthorized person 

  • Utilizing technology to share unauthorized information with other students, such as test questions and/or answers

  • Utilizing assistive technology, such as A.I. tools, to complete assignments that will be submitted as the student's original work

TEL instructors and instructional staff will use A.I. detection software, professional expertise, and other means to check writing assignments for unauthorized use of A.I. 

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